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A lot has been written about personality types. But it is in the view of the abundance of information that it is easy to drown in details, without reaching the bottom. Gestalt therapist Olga Dulepina offers a simple and understandable model of characters, which is based on the typology of the famous American psychoanalyst Nancy McT-Vielms and modern modeling technologies.

The names of the characters came to psychology from psychiatry and therefore can be a little scared. It should be understood that schizoids are not those who suffer from schizophrenia, and paranoils are not at all characterized by a paranoid personality disorder. It’s about healthy people – about you and. About our characters, features that determine success, and about what behavior it interferes with us.

For the convenience of perception, we will combine the characters into three conditional groups: “strange”, “theatrical” and “disturbing” – and we will see which features are most clearly manifested in each group.

The character can be determined by three criteria. The first is the type of psychological defense that a person uses. The second is the usual emotion in response to external stimuli. Of course, each of us is able to experience the whole gamut of feelings, but some emotions in our reactions dominate, trigger the usual way of response, stereotypical model of behavior. The third criterion is the emotions and sensations of the interlocutor in contact with such a person (with one or another character).


“Strange” are people with schizoid and paranoid characters. They are united by unusual or eccentric behavior. In a situation of stress, they experience horror and freeze. It is not easy to notice their feelings from their feelings. They themselves sometimes do not understand what is happening to them, and it is difficult for them to voice their experiences. The success of the “strange” is based on the ability to grasp the essence and the ability to convince on the fly. They know how to https://cascadeclimbers.com/content/pgs/a-beginners-guide-to-navigating-fortuneclock-casino.html logically substantiate their thoughts and clearly state them to others. These qualities give them a tangible advantage in any dispute or negotiations.


Type of protection – denial, care. The main emotion is horror.

We usually sympathize with schizoids, empathize with their fragility, we can be touched by their care, and we can be angry with alienation and lack of inclusion in the relationship. When, instead of former care and love, we meet an unexpected coldness, it puzzles us.


Type of protection – projection. The main emotions are fear of shame and anger.

Paranuyalov is respected for a serious attitude to business, professionalism and competence. They amaze us with the ability to “turn the mountains” in the name of goals and values, delight the ability to inspire and lead along. At the same time, we are often repelled by negativity and the fact that they impose high demands on us or condemn us. We are annoyed by their habit of always being right, it hurts us when they get stuck in offense and are not ready to forgive us.

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